Revisiting “The Song That Nobody Knows”

Okay, people, I know you want it, so here it is.

Every year around this time, many the world over Google their way here in quest of the spelling and pronunciation of the lyrics to “The Song That Nobody Knows.”

Hint: It’s not “Old Ang’s Eye.” Although that would be kind of cool.

A blessed 2009 to all.

  1. JRB

    Non sequitur, I know, but can’t help it:

    GO ‘DORES!

    (Hope UA can keep up the good SEC work tomorrow night….)

  2. Mike the Eyeguy

    You’ll be forgiven your enthusiasm this one time, but if Vandy starts making a habit of post-season success you’re going to have to start reigning it in along with all the rest of us!

    Roll Tide.

  3. Nancy

    Man, I wish I would’ve read that yesterday.


  4. Mike the Eyeguy

    Welcome. Now you know where to find it next year (or would that be this year?).

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