Home! Sweet Home!

I was up way too early this morning, the insomnia calling out to me like the cock’s crow.

But as I made my way through the hall and toward the coffee pot, I noticed that the doors to all three of the boy’s rooms were shut, meaning that they were all home (Number One is visiting from T-town this weekend to attend Big Spring Jam).

I must say, knowing that all of us were under one roof for the first time in a while left me with the deepest sense of satisfaction and joy.

Home! Sweet home!

  1. mmlace


  2. mmlace

    That Big Spring Jam thing sounds like fun! Much like LR’s Riverfest, only better!!!

  3. greg

    I’ll second that Awwwwww…

    I only went to BSJ once in 4 years in Huntsville (although the first year it was the weekend we moved to Huntsville, so I was a little busy.) But, I made it count – I saw Alice Cooper. Excellent.

    I saw a couple of weeks ago that The Avett Brothers were going to be there this year. (“non-traditional bluegrass”) Great stuff. I wish I was there to see them.

  4. Mike the Eyeguy

    I doubt that I will go, old fart that I am. But I’ll probably regret it.

  5. Stoogelover

    I know and love that feeling!

  6. Mike the Eyeguy

    What, being an “old fart” or having all the kids home? 🙂

    The two probably go hand-in-hand.

  7. carolinagirl

    Good that all are at home in the nest for the weekend.

    Adapting to the sandbox – have been here since WED.

  8. Mike the Eyeguy

    Well, “in the nest” is relative. All were out very late at the concert last night and none were home when I went to bed. But I see they all made their way back here, so I’ll play fat, dumb and happy and assume that there were no problems. Unlike last year when Number 2 showed up from the same concert with one of Huntsville’s finest escorting him. 🙂 (click here).

    cg–I hope your situation is tolerable and then some (some access to AC hopefully?!). I would love to hear your observations and stories. If for some reason you can’t maintain your blog from there, let me know and maybe we could work out a “guest” poster position for you! Take care. No, make that “take great care.”

  9. mmlace

    I know you’re not posting about SEC football, but I can’t resist…is anyone as surprised as I am that Auburn beat Florida????? That and all the other upsets today…reminds me of your post from a year ago, that anything can happen on any given day! That’s what I love about college football!!!

  10. mmlace

    Oh yeah, Go Hogs!

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