Feeling the Heat

Team Clinton is feeling the heat of Operation Obama Bumper.

Apparently my frequent trips from home to Starbucks to work to Panera Bread to work to Little Rosie’s Taqueria and then back home (with a quick stop at Target to pick up some prescriptions and get a gallon of milk) have found their mark.

Co-President Bill Clinton has been dispatched to Huntsville in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.

At first, he had plans to attend a $1000 a plate fundraiser at the home of a prominent local attorney. I know where that house is, and I had thought about stopping by yesterday in my “fired up” sedan and taking a picture of The Sticker with the house in the background.

Then I figured that the house would probably be under surveillance by the Secret Service and that I might just end up with a knee in the small of my bad-enough-already-thank-you-kindly back and a face full of asphalt, so I thought better of it. But it would have made for an interesting post.

But I guess Team Clinton thought a highbrow fundraiser might not be populist enough, so now they’re planning a rally at Huntsville High. Oh, and Huck–and Chuck!–are coming to Huntsville too.

Who would have thought that one simple bumper sticker and a few blog posts would have this kind of effect? What a country!

Well, I would write more but I’ve gotta go–Anderson Cooper’s on the phone!

  1. Mike the Eyeguy

    Too bad I’ll be in T-town hanging out with Number One and watching the Crimson Tide play LSU. Otherwise, you know I would be so there.

  2. JRB

    The latter, former governor of Arkansas will be on our campus tomorrow, and I’m tempted to go just to take in the spectacle. To our chief executive’s great credit, his email to the U made clear that the U does not endorse any candidate or party, that Huck contacted us, not the other way around, and that we would open our campus to any of the candidates should they inquire.

    Oh, but that our alma mater (hail!) could be so magnanimous.

  3. girlfriday

    I had to log in to leave a comment. My head is still spinning.

    Oh. That’s all I really had to say.

  4. Mike the Eyeguy


    But He’s…So…Bee-you-tee-ful..I…just…can’t…help…it.

    It’s okay, just sit down and take a deep breath. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite adult beverage. Scroll back and read my “Which is better, cat or dog?” post. Be a catwoman.

    “The times they are a-changin,” but I think it’s too early to head to the catacombs just yet.

    I’ve got my eyes wide open on this little joy ride, don’t worry.

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