A Ping From Beijing

I just received a ping from Beijing.

Politburo? Chinese secret police? Margaret Hoelzer?

Nope. Just THT‘s intrepid man-on-the-ground in Beijing, Mark McCarter:

Mike…Thanks for making my coverage part of your site, and for the nice plugs.

All the best…Mark

My pleasure, Mark; you’ve done a great job over there. I hope all that beach volleyball hasn’t stressed you out too much.

Give my regards to LeBron and Kobe, wouldya?

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Phelps Channels Spitz

We knew “it” was coming…

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An Ode to Olympic Moms

The Olympics Sap-o-Meter over at Slate was redlining over the weekend in the wake of Michael Phelps’ rendezvous with destiny (there, that ought to set it to twitching even more).

Apparently it was Bob Costas’ interview with Michael and his Mom that really set the too-cool-to-care cynics to clucking. Color me sappy, then, because I enjoyed it (that segment starts about 15 minutes in).

In particular, I was intrigued to learn about Michael’s struggle with ADHD and bullying classmates; as a parent, and a former “shortest and nerdiest kid in the class,” I can identify with such stories. It’s all too easy to look at the mega-million dollar freak of nature with all the O-bling around his neck and forget that he was once an awkward teen in dire need of some loving parenting and mentoring.… Read the rest

She Lived Up To Her Name

“I thank God for how far I came to be here and to have the opportunity. It’s OK. I wouldn’t trade it. If it didn’t hurt this bad, I didn’t care that much, so, yeah, it’s still worth it. I’m glad I got the chance.”

–Nigerian sprinter and former Huntsvillian Olutoyin Augustus after failing to qualify for the semifinals in the women’s 100-meter hurdles

Toyin, we understand how you feel, but please remember this: We are not disappointed in you at all.

You lived up to your name.

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A Million Little Lies?

A reader writes:

This sounds like a reprise of your April Fools post.

He’s referring to my most recent HT community column sounding like my 4/01/08 “We’re moving to Durham, NC–Gotcha!” post.

I get his point–“if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.”

And I will admit that on occasion I do use a little “artistic license” when telling a story. What writer–or preacher–doesn’t?

But I can assure him, and you, that when it comes to this particular story, I’m no James Frey.Read the rest

Small World, Eh?

It turns out Margaret Hoelzer isn’t the only athlete with North Alabama ties competing in Beijing.

Toyin Augustus is a Nigerian 100 meter hurdler who prepped at and ran track for Grissom High School (Number One and Three’s alma mater) prior to competing at Penn State.

Also, Julianne Kirchner is a 50 meter freestyle swimmer from the Marshall Islands whose parents grew up in North Alabama and attended UNA.

(UPDATE 8/16: You can read how her race went here).

Why the Marshall Islands? Julianne (age 16) has lived most of her life on Kwajalein Island, and if you’re from Huntsville, you probably know at least one rocket scientist in your circle who has spent some time in that distant atoll.… Read the rest