I’ve Been Hooked

To all you Bama and Texas Longhorn fans who stopped by yesterday (and who are still showing up today) scouring for scuttlebutt on Mike Shula’s replacement–thank you very much.

Not since the Nancy Grace/Church of Christ fiasco last March has my sitemeter sang such soaring soprano; 348 unique visitors, 597 page loads–an all-time Ocular Fusion record.

It seems that my post on Shula’s firing was hooked, so to speak, to a Texas message board mainly due to my passing on the rumor about Paul Bryant Jr.’s jet sighting in Austin and speculation over whether or not some university representative was there to pitch the Alabama job to Texas HC Mack Brown.… Read the rest

Shula Fired. Bama Jet Bound for Austin?

It’s official. The Tuscaloosa News is reporting that Mike Shula is out.

Furthermore, rumors are running rampant that Paul Bryant Jr.’s jet is reportedly bound for Austin, Texas.

Could this mean that Bama has made a play for Mack Brown?

Now that I’ve done my share to stir up rumors, let’s sit back and see what actually happens.

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I Like Loretta’s Style. I Heart Huntsville

Three of the four funerals for the victims of last week’s bus crash have taken place.

The Huntsville Times has stories on the funerals of Nicole Ford, Tanesha Hill, and Christine Collier. Crystalle McCrary’s funeral will take place today.

Protesters from “that church” are in Huntsville and are picketing the funerals. The Huntsville Times’ response to their presence was a mere mention in the Nicole Ford story. Huntsville Mayor Loretta Spencer confined the protesters to a small, cordoned-off space 100 yards away from the funerals. She then proceeded to park city buses in front of the self-appointed prophets so that those arriving at the funerals couldn’t see them.… Read the rest

They Doth Protest Too Much

I’ll be leaving in a little while to spend Thanksgiving with my mother and sisters in Virginia, so I wanted to wish all of you a wonderful holiday and Godspeed in your travels.

I’m not sure what my blogging status will be in Virginia, but I will be continuing to track some stories related to the recent tragic school bus crash here in Huntsville. It will be a difficult time for our community over the next few days as we attempt to hold in tension our thankfulness that things weren’t any worse, our grief for the four young girls who lost their lives and our ongoing concern for the injured.… Read the rest

From Coach to Commentator?

I noticed yesterday that many were coming to my post “One Six Short” from a site called keepmikeshula-swicki. Turns out that people searching the term “Mike Shula” at a blog named keepmikeshula.com were landing on Ocular Fusion, and that was my first indication that something was in the air. Don’t be fooled by the name–the authors of this blog have tongues firmly planted in cheeks. In fact, it contains some of the most deliciously wicked satire that I’ve read in quite some time.

There are confusing signals this morning as to whether Crimson Tide Head Coach Mike Shula will survive a disappointing 6-6 season and his overall 26-23 record over four years at Bama.… Read the rest

Down Here Hope Remains


Our city is still reeling from the aftershocks of yesterday’s tragic school bus accident on I-565. A city school bus carrying 43 Lee High School students to a local technical training center plunged off an overpass near downtown after being clipped by another car driven by a Lee High student passing on the right.

The bus skidded along the guardrail and apparently hung there briefly before falling onto the ground below. The bus hit nose first and then rolled, the students in the back of the bus falling forward onto the students in the front. Two students, Christine Collier and Nicole Ford, died at the scene.… Read the rest

More Weighty Matters-Prayers Please

Like I said, there are more weighty matters than college football.

My office is across the street from Huntsville Hospital. I noticed a few moments ago more than the usual number of ambulances making their way down Governors Drive. My wife just called me, and now I know why.

A school bus has gone over an overpass on I-565. There are fatalities (at least 3 students) and several critical injuries. You can watch live local feed here.

Prayers please.

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One Six Short

iron-bowl-ticket.jpgAnyway you cut it, the University of Alabama came up one six short in their 22-15 Iron Bowl loss to intrastate archrival Auburn on Saturday. The missing touchdown came in their opening drive which started with a bang but ended in a whimper with a feeble field goal after the Tide failed to find pay dirt on 1st and goal from the three. Add a six there, plus a couple of PAT kicks rather than two failed two-point attempts, and we’re basically even.

At 6-6 on the season, Alabama finished one six short of the Mark of the Beast. Considering the way the Tide was bedeviled inside the red zone this year, an extra six there would have probably produced little more than an “it figures” shrug from the average downcast and in-the-dumps Alabama fan.… Read the rest